As you might’ve noticed from other blog post entries I’m suddenly all into directory services. This happens b/c that’s what I’m currently working on. As such I find myself needing to manipulate data in a DIT quite a bit and writing ldif’s by hand is not my idea of fun. Instead I set out to create a small library that would essentially allow me to parse the result of LDAP search result entries into a Go struct and transform those back into add or modify operations.
Read MoreDirectory Services 101: The basics
This post is part of a series on directory services. Current available installments are: Introduction Terminology Basic concepts Designing the DIT Setting up an LDAP server Securing your LDAP server Writing and testing ACLs Directory Services are fundamentally pretty simple. All information they contain is stored in a hierarchical tree structure, called the DIT. Within the DIT entries can be nested into or beneath each other, creating this tree-like structure.
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